CT Meeting 2020

6th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

August 3 - August 7, 2020, Regensburg, Germany

Participants 2020

The 6th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography was planned to take place in Regensburg, Germany. Due to the travel restrictions imposed by the coronavirus we decided for an online meeting taking place between August 3 and August 7, 2020.

Since August 2018 there is a team organising the conference in the background:

Conference chair:

Marc Kachelrieß German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Organisation committee:

Andrea Kachelrieß Society of High Performance Computational Imaging (SHPCI)
Achim Byl German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Carlo Amato German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Elias Eulig German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Jan Kuntz German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Joscha Maier German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Jörg Steidel German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Julien Erath German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Laura Klein German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Markus Susenburger German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Philip Trapp German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Sergej Lebedev German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Stefan Sawall German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Tim Vöth German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)



Conference Schedule

CT Meeting 2020
August 3
August 4
August 5
August 6
August 7

11:40 CEST
Test Session Image Reconstruction
Opening remarks
+ 5 Talks
Deep Learning
short course
+ 3 Talks
Photon Counting
short course
+ 3 Talks
Coffee Coffee Coffee

13:40 CEST
Dual and Multi-Energy Imaging
5 Talks
Motion Estimation & Compensation
5 Talks
Breast CT
5 Talks
short course
+ 3 Talks
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

16:20 CEST
Poster FF
+ 35 Posters
Poster FF
+ 35 Posters
Poster FF
+ 35 Posters
Novel CT Technologies
4 Talks
+ Fully 3D & CT Meeting previews
Coffee Coffee Coffee

18:20 CEST
Test Session
Diagnostic and Interventional
Plenary: Intelligent clinical CT
+ 3 Talks
Artifact & Noise Reduction
5 Talks
Security & Phase Contrast CT
5 Talks


General Schedule

2 August 2019
First call for papers
19 January 2020
Extended abstract deadline
2 March 2020
Acceptance or rejection notification
6 March 2020
Registration open
1 May 2020
Revised abstracts deadline
15 May 2020
Registration fee increases
1 July 2020
Registration fee increases
26 July 2020
Narrated poster teaser slides deadline
27 July 2020
Conference password will be disclosed
27 July 2020
Test sessions 10:00 to 11:40 and from 16:40 to 18:20 CEST (access here)
2 August 2020
Narrated oral talks deadline
3 August 2020
Proceedings online
3 August 2020
Conference opens
3 August 2020
Test sessions 10:00 to 11:40 and from 16:40 to 18:20 CEST (access here)
4 to 7 August 2020
Main sessions (access here)
7 August 2020
Conference closes
1 October 2020
Optional manuscripts due for special Medical Physics issue
31 August 2021
Medical Physics special issue published

Scientific Committee

Adam Wang Stanford University, USA
Bruno De Man GE Research, USA
Cristian Badea Duke University, USA
Cyril Riddell GE Healthcare, France
Emil Sidky University of Chicago, USA
Frédéric Noo University of Utah School of Medicine, USA
Ge Wang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Guang-Hong Chen University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Günter Lauritsch Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Hengyong Yu University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Hiroyuki Kudo University of Tsukuba, Japan
Hongbing Lu Fourth Military Medical University, China
Ioannis Sechopoulos Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Jeff Fessler University of Michigan, USA
Jeff Siewerdsen Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Jerome Liang Stony Brook University, USA
Jing Wang University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Jingyan Xu Johns Hopkins University, USA
Johan Nuyts KU Leuven, Belgium
John Boone University of California, Davis, USA
Jongduk Baek Yonsei University, South Korea
Karl Stierstorfer Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Katsuyuki Taguchi Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Ke Li University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Ken Sauer University of Notre Dame, USA
Kirsten Boedeker Canon Medical Systems Corporation, USA
Lifeng Yu Mayo Clinic, USA
Mats Danielsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Michael McNitt-Gray David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, USA
Norbert Pelc Stanford University, USA
Pascal Paysan Varian Medical Systems Imaging Lab, Switzerland
Peter Noël University of Pennsylvania, USA
Rongping Zeng U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Scott Hsieh Mayo Clinic, USA
Srinivasan Vedantham University of Arizona, USA
Stanislav Zabic UIH America, Inc., USA
Stefan Sawall German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Taly Gilat-Schmidt Marquette University, USA
Thomas Flohr Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Thomas Koehler Philips Research Hamburg, Germany
Thomas Koenig Ziehm Imaging, Germany
Tobias Lasser Technical University of Munich, Germany
Web Stayman Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Wenli Wang Avant Tomography Consulting LLC, USA
Xiaochuan Pan University of Chicago, USA
Xun Jia University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Yuxiang Xing Tsinghua University, China
Zhicong Yu Accuray, USA
Zhou Yu Canon Medical Research, USA
Zhye Yin GE Research, USA

Scientific Program

  • Oral Session (Tu, We, Th, Fr)
  • Poster Session A (Tu, We, Th)
  • Poster Session B (Tu, We, Th)
  • Poster Session C (Tu, We, Th)
  • Poster Session D (Tu, We, Th)
  • Poster Session E (Tu, We, Th)
  • Poster Session F (Tu, We, Th)
  • Poster Session G (Tu, We, Th)
  • Test Run (Mo)

The guidelines for participants, authors and chairs, the program and the proceedings can be downloaded here:

Information for Authors

Abstract Timeline

19 January 2020
Extended abstract deadline
2 March 2020
Acceptance or rejection notification
1 May 2020
Revised abstracts deadline

Abstract Format

Please prepare your abstract using the IEEE Templates for Transaction (February 2017) considering the following guidelines:


4 pages

Paper size:



two columns

File format:


Instructions and templates are provided by the IEEE using the following links:

If possible, please avoid page numbers showing up in your manuscript.

Abstract Submission

The extended deadline for abstracts is 19 January 2020. Please consider the above format settings for final abstract submission! The 4-page PDF-file should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to abstracts@ct-meeting2022.org. Please state the first author and the title in the subject line and provide the filename of the PDF in the e-mail body.

Oral Presentations

There is a time slot of 20 minutes for each presenter, with about 15 minutes of presentation and about 5 minutes for questions and answers. Prepare your slides using PowerPoint 2007/2010/2016 (*.ppt or *.pptx). We will have the 2016 PowerPoint version available in the meeting rooms. In case you plan to show videos make sure they are running under PowerPoint 2016.
The regular way to present at our meeting is that the presenters share their PowerPoint presentation through the online conferencing tool, which means that the PowerPoint software would run on their own computer and the presentation is through their microphone and video camera. To have a fall back solution in the case of a bad internet, video or audio connection oral presenters are requested to additionally submit their contribution as a PowerPoint voice recording (support.office.com) or as an mp4 video file. Such a video file can be generated by saving the narrated PowerPoint as mp4. A more appealing way, with the advantage of also including a video of you presenting, is to start a private Zoom session (with yourself being the only participant), to share your own screen or PowerPoint window, to press Zoom’s record button and to record the presentation. Immediately after the presentation press the stop record button. Then end the Zoom meeting. Zoom will then save the recorded part of your session as an mp4 file. Please use PowerPoint’s laser pointer when recording. This pointer will then be recorded together with your voice. We accept narrated talks only if they are between 14 and 17 minutes long. Otherwise we will ask you to rerecord your talk. We will playback the recording on one of our computers if a speaker a) does not dial in for the online meeting or b) if his/her internet connection turns out to be insufficient or c) if he/she asks us to do so.
As usual, each talk will be followed by a questions and answers period, which will be moderated by the session chairs. About 5 minutes before your session starts please enter the virtual CT meeting and raise your hand. The chairs will then unmute your microphone and you can introduce yourself to the chairs, just like you would do it in a physical meeting.
Important: Please practice with a friend or colleague of how screen sharing works. You can do this during a private Zoom meeting that you organize yourself. A frequently occurring error is the following: Presenters share their PowerPoint window, as it is intended. Then they go to PowerPoint’s presentation mode, which is also intended. Then, however, the audience does not see the presenting window but the editing window. This may happen when the presenter has configured his PC for two screens.

Poster Presentations

Poster presenters are being asked to submit a single teaser slide in 16:9 PowerPoint format, as usual. In contrast to the typical onsite CT Meeting this slide needs to have a voice recording (support.office.com). Playing back the slide and its recording must be limited to a 30 s time slot. The aim of this teaser slide is to make the audience curious about the poster. So do not give away too many details! To prepare the poster fast forward we ask you to submit a single (!) slide (PowerPoint 2007 and newer) with voice recording by e-mail no later than July 26 to info@ct-meeting2022.org. Please also include your abstract ID in this e-mail. Do not submit mp4-files.
At the beginning of each poster session we will playback all teaser slides of the posters to be presented, i.e. about 35 per poster session. This will take approximately 20 minutes. We will then split the session into seven parallel subsessions, i.e. different virtual rooms. The poster presenters will be assigned to one of the subsessions, i.e. approximately five posters per room. The audience can enter and leave any subsession, as they like. Each subsession will be moderated by session chairs. In those subsessions the poster presenters are supposed to have a PowerPoint presentation available explaining their work. Whenever a questioner wants to know about their work the poster presenters will share their presentation using the conferencing tool’s sharing option and give a brief overview (not more than 5 minutes). After that overview the audience can ask questions to find out more details about the poster. If you mistrust your internet connection you may additionally submit a recorded PowerPoint presentation. To do so follow the instructions for the oral presenters, but limit your presentation to 5 minutes.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus we have decided not to hold an onsite CT Meeting but rather to have a virtual CT Meeting from August 3 to August 7, 2020. The meeting’s time zone is Central European Summer Time (CEST).

Presentations can be viewed live online and, in addition, as a video recording as well. The latter may be important if the scheduled time of the presentation is inconvenient for you, in particular if you are in a different time zone. Only registered participants are admitted to the online meeting and to the download sections of the meeting website.

Oral presenters are being asked to submit their contribution as a PowerPoint recording. We will use this recorded version of the talk if the speaker a) does not show up for the virtual meeting or b) if his/her internet connection turns out to be insufficient or c) if he/she asks us to do so. The regular way to present is that the presenters share their PowerPoint presentation running on their own computer, and present through their microphone and video camera. As usual, each talk will be followed by a questions and answers period, which will be moderated by the session chairs. Time slots are 20 minutes, which is about 15 minutes for the presentation and about 5 minutes for questions and answers.

Poster presenters are being asked to submit a single teaser slide in PowerPoint format, as usual. In contrast to the typical onsite CT Meeting this slide needs to have a voice recording. Playing back the slide and its recording must be limited to a 30 s time slot. The aim of this teaser slide is to make the audience curious about the poster. So do not give away too many details! At the beginning of each poster session we will playback all teaser slides of the posters to be presented, i.e. about 35 per poster session. We will then split the session into about five parallel subsessions. The poster presenters will be assigned to one of the sessions. The audience can enter and leave any subsession, as they like. Each subsession will be moderated by a session chair. The poster presenters are supposed to have a PowerPoint presentation available explaining their work whenever a questioner asks to do so.

Monday, August 3, will be reserved for test runs. We will have a couple of parallel sessions, chaired by us organizers, where the participants (audience, oral presenters, poster presenters, session chairs) may freely enter and leave and they may ask questions regarding the conferencing tools. Presenters may use those sessions to practice the tools regarding the presentations and will have the chance to present one or two short slides. Chairs may use those sessions to practice chairing a session, i.e. muting and unmuting participants and presenters. To do so we can temporarily make them a co-chair of the test session. The audience can use the test session to see how to raise (and lower) their hand and how to ask questions.

To make the meeting as friendly and informal as possible for a virtual meeting it would be nice if you did consider activating your video camera. Then the other participants can see you. Please avoid bright illumination from behind you.

We look forward you joining us for this great new experience!

Instructions and tips for PowerPoint recording is available at:
General information on COVID-19 can be found at the official WHO site:
Information on the current risk in Germany is provided by the Robert-Koch-Institut:

Letter of Invitation

Dear colleagues,

the “International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography”, widely known as “The CT Meeting”, is dedicated to basic problems related to X-ray CT. It is a friendly, informal, workshop-style meeting where most experts in this field come together. The participants, far more than hundred scientists, researchers and students, have the unique chance to present, discuss and understand the latest techniques of CT design, acquisition technology, image reconstruction, artifact reduction, dose reduction, …
We welcome submissions on all topics that are related to image formation in CT. Ideal submissions will clearly demonstrate the impact of the investigated technology on the CT image. Evaluations with computer simulations and real data are both acceptable. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Breast imaging
  • Contrast agent and X-ray dose reduction
  • Deep learning for CT image formation
  • Dose assessment
  • Dual and multi-energy imaging
  • Dynamic and perfusion imaging
  • Geometric and spectral calibration
  • Image quality and dose assessment
  • Image reconstruction
  • Industrial CT
  • Medical imaging
  • Motion compensation
  • New data acquisition geometries
  • Non-destructive testing
  • Novel CT technologies
  • Phase-contrast imaging
  • Photon counting CT
  • Scatter and beam-hardening reduction
  • Security applications
  • Small animal imaging

Technological advancements in CT often overstretch the skills of medical staff and are therefore often orphaned or abused in the routine setting. The plenary lecture “Intelligent Clinical CT” by Matthias May, University Hospital Erlangen, will demonstrate conflicts and solutions to provide the best personalized and standardized composition of examination parameters in modern CT.

Three short courses will complement the CT meeting and introduce relevant basics on deep learning, photon counting CT, and image quality assessment. These 40 minutes lectures will be presented by Yuxiang Xing (Tsinghua University Beijing), by Thomas Flohr (Siemens Healthineers) and by Frédéric Noo (University of Utah), respectively.

The CT Meeting 2020 is the sixth in a successful series of biennial meetings. We are happy to welcome you in August 2020.

CT Meeting 2018

Program Chair:

Frédéric Noo, Ph.D.


Salt Lake City





Conference Proceedings (pdf-file, 112 MB)
Conference Homepage

CT Meeting 2016

4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

July 18 - July 22, 2016, Bamberg, Germany

2016 Participants

The 4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography took place at the Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg, Germany between July 18 and July 22 2016.

Since August 2014 there is a team organizing in the background:

Conference chair:

Marc Kachelrieß German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Organisation committee:

Andrea Kachelrieß Society of High Performance Computational Imaging (SHPCI)
Andreas Hahn German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Carsten Funk German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Carsten Leinweber German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Francesco Pisana German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Irem Özdemir German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Jan Gawellek German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Jan Kuntz German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Johannes Mayer German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Joscha Maier German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Juliane Hahn German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Nadine Waltrich German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Sabrina Dorn German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Sebastian Sauppe German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Sedat Aktaş German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Stefan Sawall German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)



Conference Schedule

For the 4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography:

CT Meeting 2016
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23

Opening remarks
+ 5 Talks
Basic short course
+ 3 Talks
Basic short course
+ 3 Talks

Basic short course
+ 3 Talks
Optional trip

  • Monastery Banz
  • Vierzehnheiligen
  • Lunch
  • Monastery brewery
  • Franconian scenery
  • Residence Seehof
Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee

5 Talks
Security, NDT
5 Talks
Iterative Recon
5 Talks
4 Talks
+ preview Fully 3D 2017
+ preview CT Meeting 2018
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Poster session
Poster FF
+ 35 Posters
Poster session
Poster FF
+ 35 Posters
Poster session
Poster FF
+ 35 Posters
Optional visit to the EZRT
Coffee Coffee Coffee

(open until Friday)
Plenary: Coronary CT Angiography
+ 3 Talks
5 Talks
5 Talks

Reception Dinner


General Schedule

17 July 2015
First call for papers
25 January 2016
Abstract deadline (extended)
29 February 2016
Acceptance or rejection notification
1 March 2016
Registration open
1 April 2016
Revised abstracts deadline
1 April 2016
Registration fee increases
1 July 2016
Registration fee increases
4 July 2016
Teaser slides deadline
18 July 2016
On-site registration open
19 July 2016
Conference opens
22 July 2016
Conference closes
23 July 2016
Optional trip
1 October 2016
Optional manuscripts due for special Medical Physics issue
31 August 2017
Medical Physics special issue published

Scientific Committee



Adam Wunderlich National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Alexander Zamyatin Samsung, Korea
Bruno De Man GE Global Research, USA
Carl Crawford Csuptwo, USA
Frédéric Noo University of Utah School of Medicine, USA
Ge Wang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA
Guang-Hong Chen University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Gunnar Brix Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany
Günter Lauritsch Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Harry Martz Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Hengyong Yu University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Hiroyuki Kudo University of Tsukuba, Japan
Jakob Sauer Jørgensen Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Jed Pack GE Global Research, USA
Jeff Fessler University of Michigan, USA
Jeff Siewerdsen Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Jing Wang University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Johan Nuyts KU Leuven, Belgium
Joost Batenburg Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
Josh Star-Lack Varian Medical Systems, USA
Karl Stierstorfer Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Katsuyuki Taguchi Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Kirsten Boedeker Toshiba Medical Research Institute, USA
Kyle Myers U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Lifeng Yu Mayo Clinic, USA
Martin Fiebich Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany
Michael Grass Philips Research Hamburg, Germany
Michael McNitt-Gray UCLA, USA
Michael Wucherer Klinikum Nürnberg, Germany
Michel Defrise Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Norbert Pelc Stanford University, USA
Patrick La Riviere University of Chicago, USA
Rebecca Fahrig Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Srinivasan Vedantham UMass Medical School, USA
Stephen Glick U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Thilo Michel University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Thomas Flohr Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Thomas Koehler Philips Research Hamburg, Germany
Web Stayman Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Wenly Wang Toshiba Medical Research Institute, USA
Xiangyang Tang Emory University, USA
Xiaochuan Pan University of Chicago, USA
Yoram Bresler University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Yuxiang Xing Tsinghua University Beijing, China
Zhou Yu Toshiba Medical Research Institute, USA

Scientific Program

Download program (pdf-file, 1 MB)

Download proceedings (pdf-file, 118 MB)

Download bibliography (bibtex-file, 41 KB)

Information for Authors

Oral Presentations

There is a time slot of 20 minutes for each presentation including 4 minutes of discussion. Prepare your slides using Power Point 2007/2010 (*.ppt or *.pptx). We will have the latest version Power Point available in the meeting rooms. For PDF files also the latest version of Acrobat Reader will be available. The slides must be copied to the presentation laptop in the break before the session starts.

Poster Presentations

Each poster session will start with a poster fast forward presentation. This gives you the chance to present a quick (30 s recommended, not more than 60 s) oral teaser presentation highlighting your poster. To prepare the poster fast forward we ask you to submit a single (!) slide (PPT 2007, PPT 2010 or PDF, no animations) by mail no later than July 4 to info@ct-meeting2022.org. Please also include your abstract ID in this mail. The posters will be posted from Monday to Thursday in a special poster session area. Please prepare your posters with a height of not more than 140 cm (about 55 in) and a width of not more than 100 cm (about 39 in) and take it with you to the conference.

Abstract Timeline

25 January 2016
Abstract deadline (extended)
29 February 2016
Acceptance or rejection notification
1 April 2016
Revised abstracts deadline

Abstract Format:

Please prepare your abstract using the IEEE Templates for Transaction (April 2013) considering the following guidelines:

Maximum length:

4 pages

Paper size:



two columns

File format:


Instructions and templates are provided by the IEEE using the following links:
 Instructions PDF
 Word template
 LaTeX transactions style file
 Bibliography file

Abstract Submission:

Deadline for abstracts is 25 January 2016. Please consider the above format settings for final abstract submission! The 4-page PDF-file should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to abstracts@ct-meeting2022.org. Please state the first author and the title in the subject line and provide the filename of the PDF in the e-mail body.

Travel Information


Bamberg is a beautiful city in the heart of Bavaria. Its rich history and the unique palace and park areas make it a perfect location for the CT meeting. The conference will be housed in the Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg:

Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg
Mußstraße 7
96047 Bamberg

Arrival from international airports:

From airport Nürnberg to Bamberg:
Approximately 1 hour by train (metro / ICE), respectively 45 minutes by taxi (about 90 €).

From airport Munich to Bamberg:
Approximately 3 hours by train (metro / ICE).

From airport Frankfurt to Bamberg:
Approximately 2.5 hours by train (ICE / RE).

For detailed information on train connections visit www.bahn.de.

Arrival at Welcome Kongresshotel Bamberg

The Welcome Kongresshotel is located approximately 2 km west of Bamberg central station.

Letter of Invitation

Dear colleagues,

the “International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography”, widely known as “The CT Meeting”, is dedicated to basic problems related to X-ray CT. It is a friendly, informal, workshop-style meeting where most experts in this field come together. The participants, far more than hundred scientists, researchers and students, have the unique chance to present, discuss and understand the latest techniques of CT design, acquisition technology, image reconstruction, artifact reduction, dose reduction, …
We welcome submissions on all topics that are related to image formation in CT. Ideal submissions will clearly demonstrate the impact of the investigated technology on the CT image. Evaluations with computer simulations and real data are both acceptable. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Breast imaging
  • Contrast agent and x-ray dose reduction
  • Dual and multi-energy imaging
  • Dynamic and perfusion imaging
  • Geometrical and spectral calibration
  • Image quality and dose assessment
  • Image reconstruction
  • Medical imaging
  • Motion compensation
  • New data acquisition geometries
  • Non destructive testing
  • Novel CT technologies
  • Phase-contrast imaging
  • Scatter and beam-hardening reduction
  • Security applications
  • Small animal imaging

The plenary lecture “Evolution and Clinical Application of Coronary CT Angiography” by Stephan Achenbach on Tuesday will highlight the clinical aspects, needs and current limitations of coronary diagnostic and interventional x-ray imaging.

There will be at least two sessions dedicated to non-medical CT including one on security and one on industrial applications. Submissions for these topics are highly welcome, too.

Three short courses will complement the CT meeting and introduce relevant basics on image reconstruction, image quality assessment, and artifact reduction. These 40 minutes lectures will be presented by Emil Sidky (University of Chicago), by Frédéric Noo (University of Utah) and by Marc Kachelrieß (German Cancer Research Center), respectively.

A guided tour to the Fraunhofer Development Center for X-ray Technology (EZRT) will demonstrate various industrial CT systems, including the smallest and the largest CT scanner of the world. Busses will pick you up at the conference center Friday 13:20 and return at about five. This optional post meeting event is free of charge, but it requires preregistration.

We are further planning for a sightseeing trip on Saturday which is also attractive for family members. Details on this optional event will be announced early in 2016.

The CT Meeting 2016 is the fourth in a successful series of biennial meetings. We are happy to welcoming you in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Bamberg, Germany in July 2016.

CT Meeting 2014

Program Chair:

Frédéric Noo, Ph.D.


Salt Lake City





Conference Proceedings (pdf-file, 111 MB)
Conference Homepage

CT Meeting 2012

Program Chair:

Frédéric Noo, Ph.D.


Salt Lake City





Conference Proceedings (pdf-file, 101 MB)
No Conference Homepage available anymore

CT Meeting 2010

Program Chair:

Frédéric Noo, Ph.D.


Salt Lake City





Conference Proceedings (pdf-file, 48 MB)
No Conference Homepage available anymore